Questions are the Strategic Runway Towards A Great Business (Segment VI)

Preface: [The definition for] “Customer: A person who purchases a commodity or service. Client: A person who is under the protection of another.” Quote from Jay Abraham.

Questions are the Strategic Runway Towards A Great Business

Credit: Donald J. Sauder, CPA | CVA

As the founder and CEO of the Abraham Group, Jay Abraham has been acknowledged as a foremost authority in the field of business performance enhancement with a marketing metaphor.

This testimonial of Jay’s works is derived from about a man who owned no business. Following Jay’s marketing approaches, he did his work without any money of his own. Working for a company as an employee that sold horse trailers, that’s what I would call a “niche market” he strategically developed a huge market opportunity.

What would you figure a horse trailer costs? Guess. At the top end, a horse trailer sells for around $100,000. Sell one, and the money rolls in. So were do you start selling horse trailers? His method was to bring in a crowd of people who were horse lovers. One event he held was visited with 2,900 people. He put on a bazaar, which for us non-horsey types would have been bizarre. He brought a lot of horse-related vendors under one roof: a large indoor arena. He persuaded international horse trainers to come and give free exhibitions. He charged most vendors a low price to set up a booth: $30. He sold all of the spaces. He also contacted horse groups. He did joint ventures with them. They got a free booth for promoting the event to their subscribers. They could use the crowd to recruit new members. Follow-up events that charged $5 to attend drew 1,400 attendees. The money paid for the performers. His boss sold trailers. This cost the company only the salary paid to the budding entrepreneur. The budding entrepreneur was on salary. I imagine he lifted off the runway.

Quoting Jay’s philosophy: The driver of business performance today is a surprisingly simple understanding: You are paid by the world, to think differently/critically and to solve problems or create opportunities/value in better ways than others. You are paid to think differently and more critically than your competitors think – about everything from business model, to brand position, to distribution channels, to marketing, to superior competitive market strategy.

The above testimony exemplifies effort and initiative. Whether a journeyman in business, or a businessman, now ask yourself the following business self-assessment questions, for the Marketing | Sales and Operations. If you answer any question “NO”, then follow-up and ask yourself – “WHY NOT”? Document your answers concisely. Answering “NO” isn’t necessarily wrong, but you should have an answer on “Why Not.”

Marketing | Sales


  1. Does your business have a marketing and sales plan?
  2. Do you know why your customers purchase from you?
  3. Would your customers say your business is among the best in the area for its product(s) or service(s)?
  4. Does your team understand how they help to solve customer problem(s) that in-turn generate sales and therefore provide them job security?
  5. Do your customers purchase from you because of the excellent quality of your team’s relationships?
  6. Do your customers perceive your team as competent and experienced?
  7. Does your business have its own registered domain name?
  8. Does your business have a strategic and effective website?
  9. Does your business obtain regular feedback from customers?
  10. Does your sales team provide adequate information and reasons on why customers should choose your products or services?                                                                                                                                     


  11. Does your business have written standard operational procedures?
  12. Does your team have incentives to be effective with project management?
  13. Does your business have a work environment that you’d want your daughter to work in?
  14. Does your business strive to comply with its industry regulations?
  15. Does your business make operational decisions that provide effective solutions instead of short-term work-arounds?
  16. Does your team continuously work to improve efficiency and effectiveness of operations?
  17. Does your team have the tools to complete tasks effectively?
  18. Do you set clear expectations regularly on team performance effectiveness, expert project completion, team character and team attitude in the field?

Call to action: in summary, I encourage you to read the book: The Five Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask About Your Organization. Then keep your strategic “thinking hats” on.

1. What is our mission?
2. Who is our customer?
3. What does the customer value?
4. What are our results?
5. What is our plan?

Skills Every Chief Financial Officer Needs (Segment 2)

Preface:  A CFO will manage the accounting process and provide oversight to financial reporting, but the real value of a CFO is working to make your enterprise even more successful, which goes far beyond monthly reporting and period-ending statements.

Skills Every Chief Financial Officer Needs (Segment 2) (2015)

Credit: Donald J. Sauder, CPA | CVA

Capital and Cash Management. A CFO should understand cash management and budgeting. Planning for capital expenditures, debt repayment, working capital requirements, strategic acquisitions, investments in research and development, and alternative investments of profits all weave into capital and cash management. A CFO should have experience in forecasting cash sources and uses to maintain tight financial controls. Maybe your CFO can prepare a rolling forecast with updated data to improve financial decision making and track free cash flow (operating cash flow less capital expenditures and other funding such as research and development).

Well developed and managed cash flow models build a foundation for monitoring key financial performance and improve cash flow planning. Cash flow models should give the most attention to receivables, inventory, and payables to lead to the greatest effectiveness. Armed with this knowledge your CFO can manage receivables for timeliness, assess and optimize peak-to-trough inventory levels, monitor duration of cash conversion cycles, while developing key ways to measure, analyze, monitor, and manage cash flow and financial performance precisely. This gives your team greater accuracy and confidence in financial decision-making for short or long-term goals, such as an incentive plan for the sales team for this quarter.

Financing. A CFO must establish and maintain quality relationships with lending sourcessuch as banks, for existing and future credit needs. A bank will be increasingly more likely to extend credit, at least with better terms for the umbrella, when the sun is shining. When you negotiate with your lender, your CFO should request the largest line of credit the bank will extend so you’re covered beyond just seasonal inventory demands and receivable summits.

If your strategy includes acquiring businesses with 1 bolt-on acquisitions such as a competitor, vendor, or subcontractor, or 2) platform acquisitions such as new business sectors like a residential framer acquiring a commercial contractor, or 3) transformation investments–venturing into new ideas such as an auto dealership investing in an internet site for consumer-to-consumer auto financing, you will want a CFO that has experience with intrinsic values, due diligence, and business planning. Many small business entrepreneurs can defer to their CPA firm when these opportunities are on the table.

Accounting and Internal Control. This is commonly what most entrepreneurs think of when discussing the role of a CFO. Yet, financial reporting and monthly reporting are only two of the many roles a CFO can fill for your business. A CFO will monitor internal processes including segregation of duties, the expertise and experience of the accounting personnel, the independence of board members, and the entrepreneurial style of the management team. Segregation of duties will minimize fraud. Experienced accounting personnel will lead to greater accuracy and timeliness of financial reporting. A CFO will manage the accounting process and provide oversight to financial reporting, but the real value of a CFO is working to make your successful business even more successful, which goes far beyond monthly reporting and period-ending statements.

Organizational Management and Leadership. Many larger businesses will have a controller who reports to the CFO. Yet for financial reasons some businesses have all accounting staff– accounts payable department, accounts receivable department, and inventory manager–report to the CFO. The CFO should develop plans for financial personnel development, hiring, a systematic chart of accounts, financial systems and software(such as inventory modules and methods), financial management, and third-party professionals such as a payroll firm, CPA firm, management or sales consultants.

If you have a developing business, the ability to hire a CFO who can develop future accounting staff is well advised. Like Jack Welch said, “Business is about people… at the end of the day, it’s only the people that matter.”  A well- trained and competent accounting department begins at the top, and as said earlier, the real role of a CFO is to make good businesses even better. That includes making good people even better, too.

In summary, a CFO should have skills in strategic thinking, business risk planning, capital and cash management, financing, accounting and internal controls, and organizational management and leadership. This takes years of experience and years of development–easier said than hired. Continually encourage your enterprises chief financial officer to engage in activities towards further development in these key areas of CFO expertise.

Questions are the Strategic Runway Towards A Great Business (Segment V)

Preface: An A+ culture pillars successful organizations, businesses, and communities, and is the main reason that lights people with a passion working with an enterprise.

Questions are the Strategic Runway Towards A Great Business  (Segment V)

Credit: Donald J. Sauder, CPA | CVA

Many companies take culture far too lightly. Perhaps some think it’s a trait that will simply sort itself out given enough time. Others build a kind of surrogate for culture by populating their break rooms and common areas with pool tables, pop culture tchotchkes and focus-grouped slogans.

Leaders are the key to shaping company culture — and even the culture beyond their walls……Has the company stood by these words? History often repeats itself, but it doesn’t have to. In shaping company culture, leaders must build a tightly woven collection of ideals, values, and goals — and ideally, it should be strong enough, and pro-social enough, to long outlast them.

To put it another way, “the true meaning of life” — or leadership, in our case — “is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit.” Those words are attributable to William Craig from his article, How Leaders Shape Company Culture. William specializes in writing about the secret of company culture in entrepreneurial success.

Yes, culture matters. In the business community, culture continues to matter. Greg Smith from Goldman Sachs is quoted in the article The Value of Corporate Culture as saying, “Culture was always a vital part of [the company’s] success. It revolved around teamwork, integrity, a spirit of humility, and still doing right by our clients. The culture was the secret sauce that made this place great and allowed us to earn client trust for 143 years”. 

He continued to say that he was saddened to see that the highly-respected culture of the organizations legacy had virtually disappeared with no traces remaining. Not surprising, even the most exceptional business cultures can be lost from the slow erosions formed along with the pursuit of “pouring-profits.” 

An A+ culture pillars successful organizations, businesses, and communities, and is the main reason that lights people with a passion or loyalty and excellence working with an enterprise. Think of a few successful enterprises in your sphere of contact, and then examine the culture. It’s there. Clear to the minds eye, strong and vibrant. 

Exemplify and build your business’s unique culture at every turn, every decision, and in every communication. Appreciate, develop and protect it – that is the heart of true business leadership. Endeavoring to walk the talk for long-term success requires keeping your focus on more than the money. You will likely need a strongly yoked leadership team to achieve the ideal culture. Secondly, evaluate if your enterprise cultures head and heart are above or below the clouds?  

Whether a journeyman in business, or a businessman, now ask yourself the following business self-assessment questions, for the Communications | Human Resources | Employees If you answer any question “NO,” then follow-up and ask yourself – “WHY NOT”? Document your answers, concisely. Answering “NO” isn’t necessarily wrong, but you should have clear answers to the “Why Nots.”

Communications | Human Resources | Employees 

  1. Does your business have a visible culture?
  2. Does your business have regular team training?
  3. Does your team at all levels communicate effectively daily?
  4. Does your business have an organizational chart or team accountability chart?
  5. Does your business resolve internal conflicts successfully, and work proactively to mitigate them from occurring? 
  6. Does your business have an effective process for all business meetings?
  7. Does your business work to create opportunities for personal purpose and satisfaction for the team as a thank you for the daily services to further the organization’s mission?
  8. Does your business communicate regularly to employees their specific purpose for being employed with the company?
  9. Does your business have an employee handbook?
  10. Does your business have an adequate and written paid time off policy?
  11. Would your team say your business culture has appropriate accountability?
  12. Does your management team listen to employees and ask questions to build better team relationships?
  13. Does your business have employee performance evaluation meetings?
  14. Does your business have any annual celebrations?
  15. Does your business have clear job titles for each department?
  16. Are your employees encouraged towards and rewarded for excellence?
  17. Does your business only hire employees who are the best-qualified candidates for the position? 
  18. Does your business have clearly defined job roles?
  19. Are clearly defined performance expectations set upfront when onboarding new staff?
  20. Do your employees know your business’s purpose?
  21. Does your business have an employee feedback process?
  22. Does your business a written onboarding plan for each department position?
  23. Does your business have written compensation plans?
  24. Does your business have an employee benefits plan?
  25. Does your business have a company retirement plan?
  26. Does your business have written processes for HR, operations, marketing, sales, and accounting?
  27. Has your team heard a heart-felt “Thank you” from you this week?

Skills Every Chief Financial Officer Needs (Segment 1)

Preface: Where did you begin? Where are you today? Where do you want to be in the future? What effectuation will be necessary so you will be there? Every enterprise CFO needs to ask these questions that will lead to an more accurate assessment of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Skills Every Chief Financial Officer Needs  (2015)

Credit: Donald J. Sauder, CPA | CVA

The role of a chief financial officer (CFO), requires an ever-increasing need for the ability to make great financial decisions. Here are a few skill sets you should look for when hiring a CFO, and which your CFO should be encouraged to continue developing expertise in.

Strategic Thinking. A CFO should have the skill to help achieve the strategic vision of the business, a map of the business purpose, objectives, and strategy, with steps necessary to achieve that vision. Creating a vision, plan, or strategy on paper is not that difficult. Yet even a realistically achievable plan is challenging, when working to implement it. You need decisive acumen on your team. You need its leader, the CFO, to take action, to keep believing in the vision, and work tirelessly towards the achievement of that vision.

Courage to Question.   With strategic thinking skills, your CFO should have the expertise and experience to evaluate your business.Where did you begin? Where are you today? Where do you want to be in the future? This will lead to an assessment of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Your CFO needs to think through outcomes, while at the same time making necessary adjustments in working the plan when changes in the marketplace warrant it, such as adapting to new market conditions, innovations, opportunities, and risks. Like Jack Welch, who lead GE from a $4 billion to nearly $500 billion, says, “When it comes to strategy, ponder less, and do more.” The key is do more of the strategic. What is strategic? If you don’t want to answer that question, your CFO certainly better have an answer. Typically for entrepreneurs, the same strategy that got you from zero to $5 million in revenue (the typical sales volume when small businesses begin to think about hiring a CFO), won’t take your business to $15 million. You will probably place significant reliance on your CFO when working through strategy. Whether or not you’re a strategic entrepreneur, your CFO needs to be strategic.

You need your CFO to not only ask the right questions, but address them. He should have the courage to ask questions like, will the vision and strategy meet our objectives? Can we successfully implement the strategy? Is the strategy consistent with core values of the business and the culture of our clients? Does the business have the resources–financial capital, intellectual capital–to succeed in implementing our plan? Can we clearly envision and communicate the strategy to our employees?

Business Risk Planning. A CFO should have experience and expertise to work to identify inside and outside business risks with team discussion among company personnel. Your CFO should quantify and assess these identified risks and likelihood of the risks occurring. The risks should then be prioritized with regard to their probability and impact. Monitoring the risks should be assigned to a specific person for periodic review. As importantly, strategies for lessening the effects of those risks should be developed. Your CFO will need to balance strategy implementation with the associated risks. Sixty percent of increases in business value is built from revenue growth, so an understanding of risks in the marketplace will improve calculations on your business’s mineral vein.

In the summer of 2010, the multinational professional services firm Deloitte published a paper titled, “Risk Intelligent Decision-making: Ten essential skills for surviving and thriving in uncertainty.” The paper on risk management shows where things go wrong. This report names the following as top risks: 1) Relying on false assumptions, 2) Failing to exercise appropriate vigilance, 3) Tending to ignore velocity and momentum, 4) Failing to make key connections and manage complexity, 5) Failure to imagine failure, 6) Placing reliance on unverified sources of information, 7) Not maintaining adequate margins of safety, 8) Focusing only on the short term, 9) Failing to take enough of the right risks, and 10) Having a lack of operational discipline.

Read and act on these ten items each month, and your business will probably be in the top 10% or 15% of small business risk managers. Other risks include shortages in capital, supplier quality or concerns with timeliness, processes that are too complex or result in ineffective quality, inability to meet customer demand, human relations issues such as finding the right people for key roles, and the list goes on. These are the kinds of risks a CFO needs to constantly monitor and evaluate, finding strategies for managing those risks.

To be continued


Why You Need a Power of Attorney—Before It’s Too Late

Why You Need a Power of Attorney—Before It’s Too Late

Credit: Nevin Beiler, Attorney

There was a long pause. All of the people around the table were waiting for John to answer the question. The question was simple enough: “How many children do you have, and what are their names?” But for John, who was in his upper-sixties and struggling with the effects of a stroke he had about a year ago, this question was not easy to answer. He slowly listed the names of his first four children, but was unable to list the last one. He turned his head to look at his wife and his daughter, who were sitting on either side of him, but I had instructed them that John needed to answer the questions I was going to ask him by himself. This was the first question, and was supposed to be the easiest.

This was not how this meeting was supposed to go. John’s wife, Mary, had called me a few days before and said that they needed to have durable powers of attorney prepared so that their oldest daughter could help them with financial management. A durable power of attorney is a document that gives legal authority to someone else to act on your behalf. For example, an older person will often have a power of attorney that gives a responsible child or other trusted relative authority to manage their bank accounts and other property.

When Mary initially called me, she had not said anything about John having a stroke, and I had not asked her. But now, sitting and waiting to see if John could name his fifth child, it was becoming clear to me that I could not help John create a power of attorney. The fact that he could not name the town where they were living or respond to several other simple questions made this even clearer.

John probably would have willingly signed anything we put in front of him and told him to sign. He seemed to trust his wife and his daughter to do what was right and to ensure that he received proper care. But as an attorney, it would have been a violation of the Pennsylvania Rules of Professional Conduct for me to help John prepare and sign a legally-binding document if he did not understand what he was signing. If he could not remember all his children’s names and other simple information, trying to establish that he had the necessary legal capacity to sign a power of attorney document appeared hopeless. Helping John sign a power of attorney while knowing that he did not have legal capacity to do so would put my law license in jeopardy, and someone could later challenge the validity of any actions taken under his power of attorney because the document itself and the authority it tried to give would not be valid.

John’s wife and daughter were understandably disappointed to discover that John could not create a power of attorney, but they took the news graciously. Fortunately, John and Mary had both executed their Last Will & Testaments with another attorney about six years earlier, so John was not in danger of dying without a will. I had reviewed John and Mary’s wills at the beginning of the meeting. A few changes to how their charitable gifts in their wills were structured would have potentially reduced the tax bill of the estate, but otherwise their existing wills covered most of the bases. And assuming that Mary lived longer than John, it was not too late for her to update her will to take advantage of the potential tax savings.

But now, how was John’s family supposed to deal with John not having a power of attorney? Without this document, nobody could sign on John’s behalf. This would be a problem if, for example, John’s wife or daughter needed to withdraw funds from an account held only in John’s name or transfer the real estate that John and Mary owned jointly. In order to do this, they would need to file a petition for guardianship with the local court, have John declared mentally incompetent by a doctor, and have a judge appoint a guardian that could act on John’s behalf. This is generally not a pleasant or cost effective option.

Most of John and Mary’s financial accounts were owned jointly, so as long as Mary remained in good health and lived longer than John, they might not encounter too much difficulty. But if Mary would pass away before John, if they needed to sell their home, or if they would need to withdraw funds from John’s IRA account, then petitioning the court to appoint a guardian for John would be the only remaining option. I explained this to Mary and her daughter, and we discussed the best way to structure and manage their financial accounts going forward to deal with John not being able to have a power of attorney.

Near the end of the meeting, Mary was preparing to sign a durable power of attorney that would give authority to her daughter to take over her financial management in case Mary would also need help managing her finances. Just before signing the power of attorney Mary pulled a large brown enveloped out of her bag and asked, “What should I do with all these old papers?” I took the envelope, pulled a stack of documents out of it, and began looking through them. What joy! Among the papers was an original durable power of attorney document, made and signed by John! It was over ten years old, but it otherwise appeared to be validly executed and it gave authority to all the proper people to act on John’s behalf!

With this fortunate discovery, John and Mary’s world, and their children’s responsibilities, suddenly became so much simpler. Assuming that this ten-year-old power of attorney document would be accepted everywhere it was needed, no difficult and expensive guardianship proceeding would be necessary. There were no more concerns about needing to petition the court to appoint a guardian if Mary would pass away before John. What a relief!

Mary was very apologetic that she had not shown me the papers earlier, at the beginning of our meeting. While that would have made the last 90 minutes of discussion much simpler, I didn’t mind. I was just grateful that we had discovered John’s power of attorney before the meeting ended. Fortunately for them, they had planned ahead sufficiently that when the time came that they really needed a power of attorney document, there was one in their files, even though they didn’t realize it!

If they would have visited an attorney a few years earlier when John could think more clearly, they could have signed an updated power of attorney for John and updated their wills to maximize the tax savings from the charitable gifts specified in their wills. That would have been even better, but the fact that they had taken the steps to get proper estate planning documents drafted ten years ago would now save them and their family a lot of hassle.

This simple story illustrates an important point. We tend to wait to go out and get something until we need it. If we lead busy lives, sometimes it seems like only the urgent things get done. When it comes to getting a Durable Power of Attorney or other estate planning documents like a Last Will & Testament or a Health Care Power of Attorney, it is easy to keep putting it off until “later.” But when you or your family really need you to have a power of attorney, due to a mental illness or serious injury, it might be too late to get one. So plan ahead, and act while you still can.

This article was originally printed in the Plain Communities Business Exchange

Nevin Beiler is an attorney licensed to practice law in Pennsylvania (no other states). He practices primarily in the areas of wills & trusts, estate planning, and business law. Nevin is part of the conservative Anabaptist community and is committed to practicing law in a way that builds the Kingdom of God and is consistent with Anabaptist values. His office is in New Holland, PA, and he can be contacted by email at or by phone at 717-287-1688. More information can be found at

Disclaimer: This article is general in nature and is not intended to provide specific legal or tax advice. Please contact Nevin or another attorney licensed in your state to discuss your specific legal questions. In order to protect confidentiality and provide a better illustration, names in the above story have been changed and some facts may have been changed or added.

Questions are the Strategic Runway Towards A Great Business (Segment IV)

Preface: Accounting approaches are not created equal. It’s like suit coat shopping; you have choices, ‘tailored-services’ or ‘off-the-rack’.

Questions are the Strategic Runway Towards A Great Business (Segment IV)

Credit: Donald J. Sauder, CPA | CVA

There is a day approaching when your business will need an accountant; ok, no new news there. Whether you’re an early year’s entrepreneur or working in a traditional family enterprise, trusted accountants have their place in service to every business.

The role of accountants has changed in recent decades from only keeping books or preparing tax filings, to more of an advisory position. When you have the budget, a large accounting firm can seem like a right choice, but there are always risks that you will get an ‘off-the-rack’ accounting service versus an accountant with a ‘tailored services’ approach who will genuinely listen to understand your business goals, aspirations, strategy, and needs as an entrepreneur. Only then can you obtain optimal solutions. Accounting approaches are not created equal. It’s like suit coat shopping; you have choices, ‘tailored-services’ or ‘off-the-rack’.

Tethering your business to a great working relationship where you can build trust is vitally important to get the most from your trusted advisors. To maximize value from your relationship with an (accountant) advisor, you need to be comfortable communicating on a effective and trustworthy basis and feeling confident with the professional judgments of the advice.

The best accountants look at what’s best, not only for the business, but also for you, the owner, and your team. The ‘right’ accountant is usually not a universal ‘one size fits all’. If business is simply a Dutch Blitz game, there is a substantial difference between a cheerleader and an expert coach.

When you are building a business, of any size, Luke 14:28 tells us why excellent accounting is of utmost importance. “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’

Whether a journeyman in business or a businessman, now ask yourself the following business self-assessment questions for Accounting and Taxation. If you answer any question “NO”, then follow-up and ask yourself – “WHY NOT”? Document your answers, concisely. Answering “NO” isn’t necessarily wrong, but you should know “WHY NOT”?

Accounting | Taxation
1. Does your executive team continuously collect, track, and analyze key financial and operational data?
2. Does your business prepare an annual budget?
3. Does your business have three to five-year financial projections?
4. Does your business have a plan to effectively manage debt ?
5. Does your business meet annually with your banker?
6. Does your business have seasonal cash flow challenges?
7. Does your business have a line of credit with an outstanding balance?
8. Does your business monitor the equity to assets ratio?
9. Does your business regularly monitor and track working-capital levels?
10.Does your business track and manage overhead cost variances and expectations?
11. Does your business calibrate costs of production or customer service at least annually?
12. Does your business have a travel policy?
13. Does your executive team track key performance business indicators weekly?
14. Does your business plan strategic capital expenditures?
15. Does your business have target ranges for cash and working capital?
16. Does your business have satisfactory conversations with your accountant each year?
17. Does your business consider tax filings to be relatively stress-free?
18. Does your business have a sales tax compliance plan?
19. Does your business maintain appropriate compliance with multi-state income taxes?
20. Does your business have a high level of confidence in your tax filings and income tax compliance?
21. Does your business invest in annual tax planning?
22. Does your business obtain quarterly or annual enterprise financial statements?




What You May Get Wrong About Business Valuations

Preface: “Don Feldman’s success as an Exit Planner rests on three essential elements. (1) Don “gets” the needs of business owners. (2) He has created and constantly adds to a tool box chock full of proven planning strategies and ideas. (3) His ability to deconstruct, demystify and explain complicated tax and valuation issues in a way that owners–and even attorneys like me!–can understand.”John Brown, Founder, Business Enterprise Institute, Denver, CO

What You May Get Wrong About Business Valuations


Business valuations are important to successful planning. They tell you what your business is worth to a potential buyer. Though business valuations seem simple on the surface, even the smartest and most successful business owners can misinterpret their importance.

Business valuations generally tell you two things. First, they tell you whether you can sell or transfer your ownership, right now, and achieve financial independence. Second, and more importantly, they tell you how much more work you must do to build your business’ value to achieve that financial independence.

Financial independence is the most important goal of planning for your business’ future. Other goals are important. But by definition, an Exit Plan must give you financial independence to be successful. It’s likely that your business is the most valuable asset you hold and thus will play a huge role in achieving financial independence. Knowing what it’s worth and what you must do to build its value is commonly the bedrock of a successful plan for the future, whether you intend to exit or keep your business forever.

Consider the story of Luca Montez, a business owner who made some common mistakes about business valuations, and how his mistakes affected his planning.

Luca Montez had owned his widget company, MontezCo, for 35 years. He was an integral part of the company’s success. When his acquaintance and friendly competitor, Julia Deming, told him that she was selling her business, Luca started thinking about his own retirement. He was very excited to learn that Julia received $6 million for her business. He saw their businesses as similar and figured he could get that much, too.

Julia offered to put him in touch with some of the advisors that had helped her, but Luca politely declined.

“No, that’s too expensive I bet. I know what my business is worth now. I think I can handle it.”

Luca decided to put his business on the market. The highest offer he received was for $2 million, much lower than what Julia had been offered. He became frustrated and asked Julia to put him in touch with some of her advisors.

When Luca met with the Advisor Team, he vented his frustrations.

“My company is bigger than Julia’s. I work with some really well-known customers. I put a lot of work into making this business successful. Why am I not getting the same $6 million as Julia, if not more?”

After a few meetings and a lot of questions, Luca grudgingly agreed to get a proper business valuation. He had resisted for quite some time because he was convinced that his company was as valuable as Julia’s, and he didn’t want to pay for a formal “opinion of value” at top dollar. His advisors instead suggested that he get a less expensive “calculation of value” from a business valuation specialist.

Using a calculation of value process, Luca’s business valuation specialist said that Luca’s business was currently worth $2 million, just as he had been offered. She explained that the company had three glaring weaknesses.

1.      It was too reliant on Luca for its cash flow.

2.      It worked with three well-known customers, but those companies represented 80% of MontezCo’s annual sales.

3.      It didn’t have a management team that could run the company without Luca, so a buyer would be stuck with Luca for several years or provide their own management team.

Once Luca learned these facts, he and his Advisor Team knew they needed to get to work. They began to install next-level management. This made the company less reliant on Luca. The management team also knew how to diversify MontezCo’s customer base. As the company grew, Luca created incentive plans to keep his best managers tethered to the company, with help from his advisors. It took several years, but Luca managed to build his company’s value and get the $6 million he wanted and needed.

Business valuations can guide you toward several answers about the future of your business. Perhaps most importantly, they can tell you where you are financially, which can guide you toward what you must do to get to where you want to be.

If you’d like to talk about strategies to position yourself to achieve financial independence through your business, please contact us today.

Donald Feldman:

The information contained in this article is general in nature and is not legal, tax or financial advice. For information regarding your particular situation, contact an attorney or a tax or financial advisor.

The information in this newsletter is provided with the understanding that it does not render legal, accounting, tax or financial advice. In specific cases, clients should consult their legal, accounting, tax or financial advisor.

This article is not intended to give advice or to represent our firm as being qualified to give advice in all areas of professional services. Exit Planning is a discipline that typically requires the collaboration of multiple professional advisors. To the extent that our firm does not have the expertise required on a particular matter, we will always work closely with you to help you gain access to the resources and professional advice that you need. This is an opt-in newsletter published by Business Enterprise Institute, Inc., and presented to you by Keystone Business Transitions.  Examples include fictitious names and do not represent any particular person or entity.



Questions are the Strategic Runway Towards A Great Business (Segment III)

Preface: “A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God.” —Alan Perlis

Questions are the Strategic Runway Towards A Great Business

Credit: Donald J. Sauder, CPA | CVA

The value of data is only beginning it strides to connect the world networks of business, as it leaps into the next generation fields of innovation. The insightful analytics per predictive business intelligence systems are more rapid than gradually to change the landscape of enterprise and decision making, e.g. business.

Power BI is a business analytics service by Microsoft. It aims to provide interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities with an interface simple enough for end users to create their own reports and dashboards.


In a world in which data is coming from everywhere, Power BI is about helping our customers embrace a data culture, where every employee can make better decisions based on data. The growth of Power BI has been staggering – customers ingest more than 20PB of data to Power BI every month, lighting up over 30M reports and dashboards, and the Power BI service processes over 12M queries per hour.

Part of that seasonal change in business is that computers and data systems will continue to increase in their influence of business decision makers.

But you don’t have to take our word for it. Gartner named Microsoft a Leader in the Magic Quadrant for Analytics and BI Platforms for 12 consecutive years.

Today we’re making significant new announcements that will help our customers driver a data culture.

….. A key enabler of data culture in organizations is the pervasive availability of standard, authoritative datasets that represent a single source of truth, allowing users to make decisions on trusted data, remix to create insights, all with unified governance.

While Power BI is no laughing matter for next generation entrepreneurs, applying data in a comprehensible manner to entrepreneurship is certainly advised for any ambitious business owner.

What is of greater importance for us is that when seeing these developing visualizations of data predictions, and the corresponding accuracy, we both see and understand that enterprise management is in a vibrant season of change. It will be fleeting moment, and the foliage will be past. Part of that seasonal change in business is that computers and data systems will continue to increase in their influence of business decision makers.

While Power BI is no laughing matter for next generation entrepreneurs, applying data in a comprehensible manner to entrepreneurship is certainly advised for any ambitious business owner. For the journeyman in business, we can begin with easier to develop key performance indicators, cash flow management and financial analysis.

So, if your looking for more from your business, ask yourself the following business self-assessment questions, for Accounting | Tax | Data. If you answer any question “NO”, then follow-up and ask yourself – “WHY NOT”? Document your answers concisely. Answering “no” is not necessarily wrong, you just need to understand the “why not.”

Accounting | Taxation | Data 

  1. Does your executive team continuously collect, track and analyze key financial and operational data?
  2. Does your business have a budget?
  3. Does your business have three to five-year financial projections?
  4. Does your business manage debt effectively?
  5. Does your business meet annually with your banker?
  6. Does your business have seasonal cash flow challenges?
  7. Does your business have a line of credit for access when necessary?
  8. Does your business monitor your equity to assets ratios?
  9. Does your business regularly monitor and track working capital levels?
  10. Does your business track and manage overhead cost variances and expectations?
  11. Does your business calibrate costs of production or customer service at least annually?
  12. Does your business have a travel policy?
  13. Does your executive team track key performance indicators weekly?
  14. Does your business plan strategic capital expenditures?
  15. Does your business have target ranges for cash and working capital?
  16. Does your business have meaningful conversations with your accountant each year?
  17. Does your business consider tax filings to be relatively stress-free?
  18. Does your business have a sales tax compliance plan?
  19. Does your business maintain compliance with multi-state income taxes?
  20. Does your business have a high level of confidence in your tax filings and income tax compliance?
  21. Does your business invest in annual tax planning?
  22. Does your business obtain quarterly or annual financial statements?
  23. Does your business analyze all available data your customers needs and desires?
  24. Does your business analyze data on the satisfaction levels of is products and services, to both current and historical customers?
  25. Does your business monitor and track gross profit percentages?

Questions are the Strategic Runway Towards A Great Business (Segment II)

Preface: “Strategy is the highest level of a plan” Fritz Shoemaker

Questions are the Strategic Runway Towards A Great Business

Credit: Donald J. Sauder, CPA | CVA

NOTHING succeeds in business books like the study of success. The current business-book boom was launched in 1982 by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman with “In Search of Excellence”. It has been kept going ever since by a succession of gurus and would-be gurus who promise to distil the essence of excellence into three (or five or seven) simple rules…….

It was only when they shifted their attention from how companies behave to how they think that they began to make sense of their voluminous material.

“The Three Rules ” is a self-conscious contribution to the genre; it even includes a bibliography of “success studies”. Michael Raynor and Mumtaz Ahmed work for a consultancy, Deloitte, that is determined to turn itself into more of a thought-leader and less a corporate plumber. They employ all the tricks of the success genre. They insist that their conclusions are “measurable and actionable”—guides to behaviour rather than analysis for its own sake.

They divide companies into three cutely named categories: “miracle worker”, “long runner” and “average Joe”. They even employ the cutest trick of all: the third rule is, “There are no other rules.”

The authors spent five years studying the behaviour of their 344 “exceptional companies”, only to come up at first with nothing. Every hunch led to a blind alley and every hypothesis to a dead end. It was only when they shifted their attention from how companies behave to how they think that they began to make sense of their voluminous material.

Sometimes the best entrepreneurial lessons are not from business stories; to give an example of the power of thinking strategically, consider John 6: 3-9.

Then Jesus went up on a mountainside and sat down with his disciples.  The Jewish Passover Festival was near. When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?”  He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do. Philip answered him, “It would take more than half a year’s wages to buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!” Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up,  “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”

Do you know the rest of the story? Two questions, 1) Was the lad trained in strategic thinking 2) What was strategic foresight payoff that day? In addition, please carefully note the initial question.

Ask yourself the following business self-assessment questions, for the strategy and planning. If you answer any question “NO”, then follow-up and ask yourself – “WHY NOT”? Document your answers concisely.

Strategy | Planning

  1. Does your business have three or more written values?
  2. Does your business have a written purpose?
  3. Does your business have a written vision or mission statement?
  4. Does your business have a plan for key employee risks?
  5. Does your business have written unique marketplace advantages?
  6. Does your executive team review financials monthly?
  7. Does your executive team have monthly or more frequent meetings?
  8. Does your business have the real estate location to reach its long-term vision?
  9. Does your business have a recognition in the community that aligns with its purpose and values?
  10. Does your business seek advice from trusted advisors?
  11. Are your businesses advisors and consultants trusted and effective?
  12. Does your business have a plan to develop and groom its next-generation leaders?
  13. Do your employees have confidence in your businesses executive team?
  14. Does your executive and management team set and meet expectations quarterly or annually?
  15. Does your businesses executive team invest at least one day per year analyzing historical performance and clarifying the future goal and mission?
  16. Does your business contribute time or cash to the community that sustains its success?
  17. Does your business have a succession plan?
  18. Does your business have a buy | sell agreement?
  19. When something isn’t working as expected in your business, does your management team invest the time to know why it isn’t working?
  20. Does your business have an IT plan?

Questions are the Strategic Runway Towards A Great Business

Preface: “I still keep asking these ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions. Occasionally, I find  an answer.” Stephen Hawkins. Genius cannot be that easy, right?

Questions are the Strategic Runway Towards A Great Business

Credit: Donald J. Sauder, CPA | CVA

Are you a businessman or a journeyman in business? Maybe neither? But, if you’ve asked that question, you are on the right path towards more effective management as either one. There is a difference. The entrepreneurial strategy that brought you to where you are in business today, if you are a journeyman in business, may not take you to where you want to be as a businessman. And yet that may not be a problem, because a journeyman in business can be as noble as being a businessman. The journeyman in business sometimes simply discovers benefits when managing their responsibility more effectively like a businessman.

Every business starts with a journeyman in business.

A journeyman in business takes deep risks, a businessman takes calculated risks, first, because he can afford it, and second, because he understands the winning is sometimes as easy as not losing. A businessman hires people who can help his enterprise grow, and he helps his team to grow along with it. A journeyman in business is focused on keeping up with the opportunities in the marketplace, and meeting project deadlines effectively.

A journeyman in business often doesn’t take the time to ask the questions that show they care about their organization, and at the root, the people who help them.

The journeyman in business finds fulfillment through excellent service and workmanship, while a businessman finds fulfillment through calculated expansion. A journeyman in business competes against the fierce competition, while a businessman observes the competition and works to keep the marketplace cooperative. Every business starts with a journeyman in business.

A journeyman in business often doesn’t take the time to ask the questions that show they care about their organization, and at the root, the people who help them. They enjoy and thrive on work. And that is a main reason their vision of an enterprise is sometimes held in check.

The following questions will help the journeyman pinpoint the depth of a lackluster business strategy, and provide a challenge to the businessman working towards an enterprise pinnacle.

If you answer any question “NO” then follow-up and ask yourself – “WHY NOT”?

The blink of the lights to that runway can begin with asking yourself the following business self-assessment questions. If you answer any question “NO”, then follow-up and ask yourself – “WHY NOT”? Document your answers concisely. There a several enterprise segments and we’ll begin with management.

 Executive Management

  1. Does your executive team lead from example?
  2. Does your executive team have the appropriate free-time to work on the business at least quarterly?
  3. Does your business have adequate operational, financial, and employee risk safeguards?
  4. Does your business have a clearly defined executive visionary and integrator?
  5. Does your executive team have realistic expectations for growth and profitability?
  6. Does your business have a strong relationship with a legal firm?
  7. Does your management team regularly complete all tasks scheduled for completion each week?
  8. Does your management team solve Company problems effectively?
  9. Does your management team regularly discuss Company issues?
  10. Do your management team strive to make management decisions that provide long-term solutions vs. short-term patches?
  11. Do your management team value your teams character more important than team profits?
  12. Does your management team deliver the field performance you expect?
  13. Does your business have a cohesive and vetted management team?
  14. Does your business have regular Company-wide meetings?
  15. Does management reward and recognize Company employees for loyalty, 2nd mile service, or continuous accountability?