Preface: Leadership style and strategy may vary among businesses; leadership is a substantial contributor to doubling a business value; and leadership requires more than a good vision.
Investing to Double Your Businesses Value – Part III
Credits: Donald J. Sauder, CPA
Leadership is the third pillar to doubling business value. Leadership can mean different things to different people, in different situations. For instance, there are global leaders, religious leaders, political leaders, or say community leaders. A business leader, and a business leader approach are what’s required to double a business value. US President David Dwight Eisenhower said “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done, because he wants to do it.”
A business leader inspires a vision of the business future, e.g. a local industry leader in automotive repair and service in 3 years. A business leader motivates and manages employees to deliver on the vision. A business leader coaches and builds a team(s) that is effective at achieving the vision. Leadership integrates skills and skillsets to accomplish development of a masterpiece. Leadership compels and convinces the talent you need to join in achieving the business vision. Proverbs say’s where there is no vision, the people perish. A leader’s business vision is not simply accomplished with an objective of doubling business value, it is accomplished with the vision of adding value, so much value and to such an extent, that your business receives a little bit of that value in reciprocation.
Leadership adds value to employees, customers, the community, and beyond. Successful business leadership is admired; from employees and customers, to the community at large; admired and respected because the vision is adding value.
Leadership is ultimately a core value of business value building. A leader will provide employees on the team the access to develop and gain the necessary skills to their job well. Leadership will provide accountability, give and receive feedback, and work towards the long-term success of enterprise. President Eisenhower also said his most important lesson in leadership was attitude begins at the top. A business leader must therefore be capable of peak performance under all types of conditions; and in the most formidable business circumstances a business leader must say “I prepared my entire life for this”.
Leadership is the heart of business value. A business leader will serve the business by managing with a customer and client satisfaction attitude, high employee morale; and a win-win mind-set. There is a difference between management and leadership. Professor Warren G. Bennis is quoted as saying – “Leaders are people who do the right thing; managers are people who do things right. Leadership is strategic; management is tactical.
Doubling business value requires applying G.B. Shaw’s thought – You see things and say ‘Why’? But I dream things that never were; and I say ‘Why not?’ To double a business or enterprise value is one things, but then maybe you could double it again. With the right leadership approach, that is realistic. If you’re a student, perform a case study on two successful businesses. Then ask yourself – has a leadership mindset contributed towards that success?
Leadership requires more than vision, it requires active listening, confidence, courage, an understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, problem solving, helping others achieve things they never imagined possible, and building the team for the future.
Leadership style and strategy may vary among business leaders, but leadership is a pillar to doubling a business value.
Step three in doubling your business value – Leadership